Friday, February 29, 2008

Drudge Lives Up to His Name

The aptly named Matt Drudge has once again proven why the blogosphere will likely mean the death of ethical journalism. Drudge's exposure of Britain's Price Harry and his combat unit in Afghanistan not only put the royal at risk, but also all of his comrades, endangering the lives of those who serve for us, in places where none of us would want to go.

For some, jounalistic ethics is an oxymoron. But journalists are indeed honorable people, and the calling is the lifeblood of democracy. Bloggers -- myself included -- are rank amateurs by comparison. The blogosphere is rife with untrained, unprofessional wannabes whose opinions matter less than the cyberspace they are produced in. Most of the drivel churned out by bloggers can be ignored, and should be.

Except when it puts lives in danger, royal or otherwise.

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